

Mike S. on Mankind

Gestern noch ein What’s Crackin’ bei uns, heute schon einen neuen Sponsor. Ob diese beiden Ereignisse irgendwie zusammenhängen, wissen nur die Illuminaten. Fakt ist jedenfalls, dass Michael Steingräber nach 15 Jahren off Dragonfly ist und on Mankind. Rallyehuber hat sich somit ein neues Pferd in den Stall gestellt und Mike soll wohl auch einen neuen Signature-Rahmen bekommen …

Michael had this to say:

“I have been with Dragonfly for over 15 years, working for them, riding for them, designing parts for them. It’s been a very good time and I am very appreciative for all the support they have given me. I would not be where I am now without them! But everything changes over time, and for me the time has come to walk a different path.

I will ride for Mankind Bikes as off now. The much liked Alive frame was the first Flatland product in the Mankind lineup, with more to come in the second half of 2010. Mankind gave me the chance to design a signature Flatland frame. I am happy to let you know my frame will feature the style and quality that all Mankind products are so well known for as well as the functionality that I am looking for in every product I want to use.”



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