

Fernando Laczko – United 2019

Der Redaktionsliebling Fernando Laczko schlägt wieder zu: Nachdem er zuletzt in 4k für die Boys von der Ciao Crew an internationalen Spots am Rad drehte (siehe HIER), bleibt er bei seinem neuen Meisterwerk in Spanien, um für die VX1000 seines Homies Gonzalo Cabalero ordentlich Gas zu geben. Wie gewohnt, bleibt dabei kein Auge trocken und Yung Dirty™ begeistert mit Techshit und großen Aktionen gleichermaßen. Dass es ihm wichtig war, eine komplettes Paket abzuliefern, wird nicht nur beim Anschauen, sondern auch beim Lesen folgender Zeilen deutlich:

“The whole idea to film with Gonzalo was because I just came back from a recovery and wanted to take as much time as I needed to work on a video. I usually go on one week trips where the video needs to be finished after that. The last time I had the chance to take my time was for my welcome to United video.

This was filmed over a duration of 9 months and has taken us all around Spain. From me going back and forth to Madrid and Gonzalo taking trips down here, we did a 7 day trip from Vigo to Madrid stopping in different cities such as Bilbao and Pamplona.

For me it’s more than a web video. If someone asked me to film a video part for a dvd I would give them this. I had that thought in my head while filming it if you know what i mean?

It was almost like I was filming an imaginary video part for myself. My “mentality” had finally returned after one year of ACL and meniscus recovery, I could finally ride without having the worry in the back of my mind.

I picked Gonzalo cuz’ he’s the man in Spain to film with. We became friends while he was filming a homie and I knew I wanted to work on something with him ever since.”

– Fernando Laczko


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