

Zoo York – Bomb down Broadway

Ein BMX-Rennen der etwas anderen Sorte. Ohne Startgatter und ohne bunte Jerseys. Dafür mit relativ wenig Bremsen und relativ vielen Pegs. Bomb down Broadway war ein BMX Race durch NYC. Zoo York hat ordentlich Kohle für die Gewinner ausgesetzt und siehe da: Eine ordentliche Meute potentieller Racer war vor Ort. Eine geile Idee, checkt das Video.

a hundred or so BMX dogs converged on Union Square for the start of a completely no-holds-barred race through the streets of New York. While the X Games and Dew Tour are all about who can pull the sickest tricks on manufactured obstacles, this event kept it real and took BMX back to the gritty streets. The rules were simple – whoever could ride from point-A to point-B the fastest without getting crushed by traffic or nabbed by the cops was the winner. With 5G’s in total prize money up for grabs, dudes were going balls-to-the-wall in their quest to take home some cash. The finish line was in Brooklyn at Edwin De La Rosa’s shop, POST, and when the two-wheelin’ madness ended and the dust finally cleared, a handful of riders split up the hefty prize purse. The top three finishers were Ben Duke in 1st ($1,500), Darryl Nau in 2nd ($1,000), and Marco Della in 3rd ($750). It was a great day for BMX in NYC!”
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