Ein kleines Abenteuer wartet auf uns. Morgen reist eine Abordnung des freedombmx-Teams nach Moskau, um die „adrenalingames“ zu bestaunen. Nach einer etwas längeren Phase der Unsicherheit wegen Visa und Flügen hat jetzt doch alles geklappt und wir starten voll durch. Anbei der Pressetext. Ich weiss nicht genau, was uns erwartet aber wir sind schon sehr gespannt. Freut euch schon mal auf ein Feature in den nächsten Tagen…
„Here is what you all have been waiting for. The final update about an annual International Extreme Sports event, THE ADRENALIN GAMES MOSCOW OPEN 2008, is now available.
General Information:
When: Oct. 4 – 5
Where: Krilathkoe Stadium
Why: A biggest event of the season „The Adrenalin Games 2008“ would be the way to spend the weekend. It is a perfect opportunity to learn the latest news about various sports, teams and riders, in addition to experience the exciting atmosphere of the extreme sports competition.
This year, the Adrenalin Games would be especially thrilling due to the appearances of stars from teams such as Circa, Nike SB, Blind, and Element. Phil Zwijsen, Belgium, the winner of the European Skateboard Championship 08. (Carhartt, Dc, Element), Chris Oliver, England, (Vans, Billabong, Okley, Blind), and Misha Cracker, Israel, (Element) will be competing on a Moscow stadium along with European BMX champions Scott Hamlin, England, (Etnies), Twenty Bikes, France, and invincible Barry Cohne, Holland.
Furthermore, Alessandro Barbero (Red Bull, Oakley, FIAT, Eastpak, Vans), a world champion BMX rider would make a special appearance. He is specializing in the street-freestyle and dirt riding styles and won in the world’s biggest competitions such as T-Mobile Extreme Playgrounds07 in Berlin, X-Games07, Hong Kong, and Oakley Twenty Jam07.
Riders mentioned above are well famous and respected around the world. They are young, competitive and promising athletes that, along with Russian sportsmen, are eager to participate in the Adrenalin Games08 and win the primary prize of $30,000!!
The competition will be tough, therefore the best judges from both Europe and Russia are invited to the event.
Many improvements have been done to make the Adrenalin Games08 especially memorable to its participants and spectators alike. First of all, the skate park was renovated according to the suggestions from both riders and planners of the event.
Today, the Krilatskoe Stadium is the perfect place for local young people to try out latest computer games innovations such as the Game of Skate, and even compete against gamers around the world.
For the first time in its history, snowboarding – the exclusive and exciting way to finish the competition and set the mood for the winter extreme delight – is included in the Adrenalin Games activities.
For more information please visit www.adrenalingames.ru„