

Grimaldo Duran

“Fuckin’ Crazy!”

“Fuckin’ Crazy!”

Name; age; hometown; how long have you been riding; sponsors.

Grimaldo Duran; 25 years old; Newark, New Jersey; 10 years; Animal, WeThePeople, etnies, Basebrooklyn, Rebel, 256.

What would you do if you never started riding?

Well, probably I’d be now like working in a office or something. It would be a diffent life and I would be playing differnt sports. who know what I would be doing.

How would you describe your riding style?

Fucking Crazy!!!!

What terrain do you like to ride most?

Everything in general, but mostly street, because you can always find new spots to ride… it never ends, and you meet random riders out of nowhere. Also you sse drunk people, especially after 8 PM, and violence in grimey areas. I love it. At skateparks you don’t get to see that shit. Also, it’s funny when you are having a session at a rail or somtething in NYC and the security guard is pretending to call for backup or the cops in the walkie talkie and they never show up. I love it.

What’s your favorite riding spot and what does it look like?

I love riding the Brooklyn banks a lot and Newark, New Jersey and also the Rutgers college. all kinds of spots I like to ride.

Where were you on the 11th September.

I was in my house. I woke up and turned on the tv and I saw a plane crashing in to the towers. I asked my girl what movie is that; she told me she didn’t know, and my neighbor was knocking on my door. My girl opened the door and she was crying, telling me the towers are burning, and then I realized it was not a movie; it was real – life.

Has anything changed in your life/mind since then?

Yeah; I just remember the memories that I have in New York city when I was younger and that the place is no longer there and alot of people died. It is very sad.

You had a son not too long ago; how has that changed your riding, and your life?

Yes, I do. He is almost two years old and I enjoy playin with my kid at home and going out with him and my girl Karina. It change my riding life a little bit because its kinda hard sometimes to go on roadtrips, and I have to work more hours.

How was it growing up in Tijuana, Mexico?

It was small a town where I grew up, and I lived like 10 minutes away from the old cocrete skate park. I went to middle school there, and then I met some riders and they got me into riding. It was really fun living there.

Did you ride the old concrete park there?

Yeah, I rode it sometimes in the weekends. It was a scary skatepark. I remember the entry fee to ride the skatepark was like two dollars or sometimes three. They had some crazy lines like one wall ride made out of plywood, and three tits made out of concrete. But I think it’s gone now; they might have built a house there or something. It was a fun place to ride.

Do you remember the Dirt Brothers or anyone else riding there?

Yeah, I remember Vic Murphy, Eddie Roman, Chad Herrington, and Dave Parrick. They were American people and I didn’t know who they were (at the time).

Why did you move to NJ?

Well, my mom used to work in a hospital. She is a nurse and she met an American guy who’s father was dying of cancer, and they got together and we moved to NJ and they got married.

Any stories from growing up in Mexico?

The scariest thing was one day when I was a kid I was playing with matches all day, and I had one match left. I did not know what to do with it; I went up to some abandoned car, and opened up the license plate (where the gas tank was) and threw the last match (lit) into the gas tank. I saw a big – ass flame come out of it, and I started to run as fast as I could and I thought the car was going to blow up and I was going to die. But it didn’t happen because it had an empty tank. Thank god, because i would have been dead. I went back the next day and the interior was all burned. My anal pumped on that one!

What’s the story behind ‘Anals’?

Anals is when you are trying some crazy trick and your anal tightens up. It’s all about when you have fear of doing something, and your asshole gets tight. You ever see a kicker box? When the bass is kicking and the speaker is pumping that’s how your anal pumps … “boom”, “boom”. When it pumps alot it gets loose after a while and you shit your pants. Also with the serious face, trying to catch your breath. Make sure you have a good heart, because if you don’t, you’ll have a heart attack.

Thanks Grimaldo!

(Die übersetzung ist in Freedom #46)

Text: Rob Dolecki | fotos: Rob Dolecki



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