While visiting the Earth at Night, a group of alien botanists is discovered and disturbed by an approaching human task force. Because of the more than hasty take-off, one of the visitors is left behind.
He is afraid. He is alone. He is three million light years from home. Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum Geburtstag, E.T.
*The mystery: Superfeunde. Zieschla & Magga, Karsten & Björn, Bub & der Ire, Manuel & Michi – some boys…
* The suspense: Seppl. Ein Ausflug nach Mallorca und ein Interview.
* The adventure: Trails. Allein im Wald.
* The call: David Fischer und Sven Busse stellen sich vor.
* Bonus: ACL & Co.KG, Battle in the Club Finale in Nassfeld, Vibrations Urbaines in Pessac (F), Adventsjam in Aurich, Jump the Bum in Erfurt, BMX-Contest in Ulm, Bodo Hellwigs Perspektive, Fahrschule, Tricktime, Product Page etc.pp….